Adding lines to a PDF document

You can add lines to a PDF document, to highlight relations between sections.

The lines are saved with the document, so also other Skim users can see them. The lines are not saved in the PDF data itself, therefore other PDF viewers will probably not be able to show the lines.

To add a line:

  1. Choose Tools > Text Tool.
  2. Choose Notes > Line.
  3. Drag in the document until the line is located where you want, and drag the end points until it points where you want.


  1. Choose Tools > Note Type > Line.
  2. Stroke the line using the mouse from the start point to the end point. You can do this repeatedly.

To add a freehand line:

  1. Choose Tools > Note Type > Freehand.
  2. Stroke the line using the mouse. You can do this repeatedly.

You can also use toolbar buttons to add lines. To add a line button to the toolbar, choose View > Customize Toolbar and drag the button to the toolbar.

You can edit or delete the line. To move the line or its end points, choose Tools > Text Tool or Tools > Note Tool, and use the mouse. Drag a black box to move an end point. To change the color used for the line, choose Tools > Show Colors. To delete the line, choose Tools > Text Tool or Tools > Note Tool, select the line, and press Delete.

See also